Labor Profile of Tapin Regency 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tapin Regency

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Labor Profile of Tapin Regency 2022

Catalog Number : 2303003.6305
Publication Number : 63050.2221
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 30, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 9.13 MB


Praise be to Allah SWT for His will and guidance for the publication of the Tapin Regency Workforce Profile 2022 to be published. This publication presents aspects of employment for residents aged 15 years and over which are based on the results of the August 2022 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) and Sakernas data for 2019-2021. The indicators presented include the working age population, the absorption capacity of the labor force, the working age population according to their activities, the unemployment rate and so on.We hope that the data presented can be used not only to complete basic employment information needs, but also as material to further strengthen population- and workforce-based development planning and evaluation, especially the issue of unemployment. Thank you to all those who have assisted in the publication of this publication. We hope for criticism and suggestions for the improvement and perfection of future publications. I hope this publication is useful and useful for data users.
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